School Profile
Mary Catherine Harris School - A School of Choice
1305 Memorial Drive
Bryan, TX 77802
Grades: 7/8 and 9-12
Enrollment: by nomination
Mascot: Stars
Colors: Purple, Black, and Gold
About/History: The Mary Catherine Harris School is a secondary school which serves the students of the Bryan Independent School who are at-risk of not completing high school and a unique group of students in the seventh grade to accelerate their learning. The Mary Catherine Harris School is designed for students who are willing to concentrate on scholastic work in order to gain a diploma coupled with a focus on the students' vocational/career objectives. The Star Academy is a school within a school where we accelerate the learning of 30 seventh grade students to be able to complete two years in one school year to join their cohorts in high school back on track. To be admitted to either of these schools, students must be nominated by their home campus academic adviser and/or administrator.
The Mary Catherine Harris School diploma track students are scheduled into at least four hours of courses each day based on each student's needs. Instruction is provided through a combination of computer-based curriculum (Edgenuity) and teacher-led instruction. Students in special programs and those requiring district transportation will be required to attend a full day of instruction. The Star Academy will serve our students all day and incorporate needed intense intervention to help these students gain the skill necessary to get their education back on track.
Karen Kaspar, Principal
Amanda Godfrey, Assistant Principal
Tamica Gaines, Assistant Principal
Diana Alderson, Assistant Principal-DAEP