We are so excited that we have moved locations. Ginger Carrabine, Dr. Brian Merrell, and the Bryan ISD Board of Trustees started the process to move our school to a different location to better meet the needs of our students and to provide space for additional learning opportunities. The process was long and had lots of moving parts but we were able to begin the process of moving to a different building in July and we are almost completely in our new space. We are now located at 1201 Ridgedale St which is the Milam building. Moving to a new place or area can be very exciting. This is because you get to explore new things and adapt to a new environment. We will have a courtyard that our students can eat lunch in and our teachers can utilize for an outside class area. Each classroom is larger which provides more space for students and more students to be in each classroom. The district and outside companies have done a marvelous job updating and getting the building ready for students and staff. The classrooms all have built in storage for teachers to help them be more organized. Our campus now has a multiple purpose room, a library and a cafeteria which will be able to accommodate all of our students in case of bad weather. We have so many uses already planned for the library space including utilizing that area for ASVAB testing, as well as, a place to host our campus college and career fair.

New Location
August 7, 2024